SANDRA IS ACCEPTED TO ORGANIZATION Sandra joins CAPA - the Canadian Association for Photographic Art. February 2012

SANDRA IS ACCEPTED TO ORGANIZATION Sandra joins the PPOC - Professional Photographers of Canada. October 2012

PHOTO DISTRICT NEWS FEATURES ONE OF SANDRA'S PHOTOS IN THE 2013 ONE LIFE INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY CATALOGUE! "Great News! The One Life 2013 Catalogue, which will feature one of your images from the recent One Life International Photography competition, is in production. The image included is from your portfolio as chosen by our editorial board...." October 2012

SANDRA'S IMAGES SHOWCASED Two images were showcased "Peaceful Pond" and "Raindrop" in the MCBAIN slide show at the Edmonton Photographic Tradeshow. October 2012

SANDRA'S IMAGES SHOWCASED. OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY CANADA showcases Sandra's "Love Bugs" on website during Best Autumn Photo Contest. October 2012

SANDRA LAUNCHES BUSINESS LOGO Sandra launches new Business Logo - Sandra Graham Photography. October 2012

SANDRA'S EXCLUSIVE PHOTOGRAPHS SHOWN ON GLOBAL "Sandra was the first photographer at the scene of a terrible fatal crash in southern Alberta which claimed the lives of 3 and injured 2 others. The photographs captured the vehicles that were burnt beyond recognition along with the devastation of survivors and emergency workers alike. Global TV was the first to showcase these photographs on air and on the internet." September 2012

SANDRA'S PUZZLE LINE IS DEVELOPED Sandra's line of puzzles is currently in production! All puzzles will now be available in 1000 piece and will be a large 28 x 30 size. Images will range from wildlife and landscape categories. November 2012

SANDRA COMPLETES NATIONAL JUDGING COURSE The Canadian Association for Photographic Art awards a Certificate of Achievement to Sandra Graham certifying completion of the Canadian Association of Photographic Art National Judging Course. March 2013

SANDRA OBTAINS BUSINESS LICENSE Sandra is licensed by The City of Edmonton under General Business and Home Based Business categories. May 2013

SANDRA IS ACCEPTED INTO ORGANIZATION Sandra joins IFPO - International Freelance Photographer's Association. June 2013

SANDRA'S WORK GOES ON EXHIBITION IN NEW YORK CITY! "We couldn't be more thrilled to show your work in our gallery! We are proud to present your work in our global collection of photographers." July 2013

SANDRA IS ACCEPTED TO ORGANIZATION Sandra becomes member of the IAPP - International Association of Panoramic Photographers. August 2013

SANDRA'S WORK IS PLACED IN EXHIBITION WITH SEE.ME AT SCOPE MIAMI "We would like to include your work in the exhibition currently being produced for SCOPE and want to offer you a spot." Scope Miami - International artists show their work in this exhibition of contemporary from interesting and impressive paintings, prints and sculptures. (2013)

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Award at Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. Aug 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins 2 Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Amateur Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2013 Epson International Photographic Amateur Pano Competition. August 2013

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN SILENT AUCTION Sandra's work placed in silent auction for Hockey Team in Edmonton, Alberta. February 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS DISPLAYED ON THE WEATHER NETWORK. Winter photo is displayed on The Weather Network. March 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED ON KATIE COURIC Sandra's photo is showcased with Katie Couric in Spring is Coming! March 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS DISPLAYED ON THE WEATHER NETWORK Sandra's mountain morning sunrise spring thaw is shown on the Weather Network. March 2014

SANDRA DESIGNS WEBSITE Sandra designs website for King's Fine Jewellery - a high-end jewellery store and one of Edmonton's oldest independent jewellery stores located in the city's premier mall - Southgate Center. March 2014

SANDRA PHOTOGRAPHS AND DESIGNS WEBSITE Sandra photographs business and designs new website for Whitemud Pet Grooming Salon. July 2014

SANDRA JOINS GALLERY IN CANMORE, ALBERTA Sandra joined the Loosey Goosey Art Gallery in Canmore! Drop by to see her work on display - by appointment only. August 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN CANMORE EXHIBITION Sandra's work was included in the Canmore Studio and Gallery Show in a group exhibition at the Loosey Goosey Art Gallery. October 2014

SANDRA HOSTS SOLO EXHIBITION Sandra hosts a solo exhibition in the EnCana Hall with more than 100 pieces of work on display - featuring acrylic, printed and framed to metal prints. November 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN COCHRANE FAIR Sandra's work is showcased at Cochrane Pre-Christmas Fair in Cochrane, Alberta October 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN CANMORE EXHIBITION Sandra showcased over 50 pictures in the Loosey Goosey Art Studio Gallery Event. November 2014
SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN DEVON Sandra's work is showcased at the DCS 3RD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE. Devon, Alberta November 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS SHOWCASED IN EDMONTON Sandra's work goes on display at Santa's Little Helpers Christmas Extravaganza in Edmonton, Alberta. November 2014

SANDRA WINS BRONZE AWARD Sandra wins Bronze Awards in the 2014 Epson International Photographic Open Pano Competition. November 2014

SANDRA'S WORK IS PLACED IN EXHIBITION WITH SEE.ME IN THE LOUVRE MUSEUM, PARIS "The Louvre, Paris is the most storied and most visited museum in the world. Selected individuals will be invited to a private tour and exclusive reception at the Louvre in July 2015. The exhibition will include a display of work from around the world, and we would like to include your work in that display. We would be honoured to include you in this." 2015

SANDRA ACCEPTED TO ORGANIZATION Sandra becomes a member of MPIO - Master Photographers International Organization. June 2015

SANDRA TAKES ON SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY Sandra worked with Pulitzer Prize Winning, National Geographic, Olympic, Celebrity and award-winning photographers at the USA Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs shooting the USA Olympic team in training for Rio Olympics. July 2015

SANDRA SHOOTS EVENTS Sandra shoots events at the Rocky Mountain State Games in Colorado with Clarkson Creative. July 2015

SANDRA'S WORK DISPLAYED ON THE WEATHER NETWORK. Fall photo of our Canadian maple leaves in full color displayed on The Weather Network. September 2015

SANDRA'S WORK IS PUBLISHED WITH IAPP Two images "Crash" and "Grove" were published in PANORAMA - The Journal of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers. January 2016

SANDRA'S WORK IS PLACED IN SILENT AUCTION Sandra's has a piece of work in the silent auction for StarSkate and Adult Championships Figure Skating Club. February 2016
SANDRA JOINS GETTY IMAGES Sandra was asked to join Getty Images as a Stock Photographer and Videographer. Getty Images is the supplier of stock images - known as the worlds most powerful imagery resource. March 2016

SANDRA HOSTS SUMMIT - THE SECOND IT CLICKS Sandra hosted 19 expert speakers through a web telecast speaking on THE SECOND IT CLICKS. An interview style summit. April 2016

SANDRA BECOMES TRAVEL JOURNALIST / PHOTOGRAPHER Sandra trains to report on travel destinations around the work as a writer and photographer with the ITWPA - International Travel Writers and Photographers Association. August 2016

SANDRA WINS FALL PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST Sandra wins fall pet photography contest of dog - Kona Kai - running through fall leaves. October 2016

SANDRA BECOMES #1 INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLING AUTHOR Utilizing more than 50 of her professional photography images in her new book: Light Changes Everything - The Most Powerful Tool to a Photographer and For a Radiant Life, she captures the title of #1 International Best Selling Author. November 2016

SANDRA DESIGNS AND PRODUCES VIDEO Sandra makes music video with her photography images and the voice / singing of Vicki Lynn King. Go Light Your World. November 2016

SANDRA ACCEPTED TO ORGANIZATION Sandra is accepted to join WSA - The Women Speaker's Association. November 2016

SANDRA'S HAS 6 IMAGES IN THE GALLERY SHOW WITH INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHERS "All are welcome to come in and see the extraordinary creative work of Panoramic Photographers from around the world." The Valley Photo Center, Springfield Massachusetts. December 2016

SANDRA BOOKED TO SPEAK ON VOICE AMERICA Sandra is booked to speak on VoiceAmerica Radio Show - GO FOR IT on February 21, 2017 with host - Jo Hausman. GO FOR IT (VOICE AMERICA) is focused on teaching love, life, encouragement and perseverance. It is hope for the hurting - AND - a bit of laughter for this thing called life. February 2017

SANDRA STARTS FACEBOOK GROUP - LIGHT FOR THE DAY. Daily professional photography with inspirational quotes to bring encouragement, love and hope. February 2017

SANDRA SPEAKS ON VOICE AMERICA RADIO SHOW Sandra was a guest on Voice America Radio Show Empowerment Channel - - GO FOR IT - with host, Jo Hausman.
To Listen to the entire one hour interview, please click the link below.
February 2017

SANDRA RECEIVES AMAZON BOOK AWARD Sandra receives crystal book award for: "Amazon #1 Best Selling Author" for her book "Light Changes Everything." August 2017

SANDRA GRAHAM ANNOUNCES RELEASE OF BOOK "Yes You Can! Sandra was a contributing author to the anthology series "YES YOU CAN! GO FOR ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS" Sandra and 9 other authors (Jo Hausman, Joshua S. Kangley, Dennis E. Bossman, Dr. Marilyn Scott, Harry Buck, Renae Eidenshink, Ruby Mabry, Donna Schmid and Don Loyd) share their stories of failures and successes and show that no matter what one faces, "Yes You Can Go for Achieving your dreams." September 2017
SANDRA COMPLETES 3 BOOKS Sandra completed 3 homestead books for various farms in southern Alberta. These books feature 3 different properties, farmland, barns, homes buildings and landscapes. Capturing memories for these families.

SANDRA'S ARTICLE IS FEATURED IN LIFE BY DESIGN MAGAZINE - JULY 2018 EDITION. Sandra was a contributing writer for the July 2018 edition of Life By Design Magazine. Her article entitled "Inspired By Four Legs and Fast Food" is attached. July 2018 https://issuu.com/lifebydesignmagazine/docs/lbd_july_final_pages

SANDRA'S ARTICLE IS FEATURED IN LIFE BY DESGIGN MAGAZINE - AUGUST 2018 EDITION. Sandra was a contributing writer for the August 2018 Life By Design Magazine - FOODIE EDITION. Her article entitled "Eat Fingers! Go Bananas!" is attached. August 2018

SANDRA'S IMAGE IS FEATURED. Sandra's image was featured on the AMA (Alberta Motor Association) social media for Happy Campers Mission Cast Iron Cooking. AMA presented Sandra with a 1 YEAR PARKS CANADA DISCOVERY PASS. August 2018

SANDRA'S IMAGE IS SHOWCASED Sandra's image was featured on the Weather Network for capturing 3 seasons in one shot. Summer, Fall and Winter all in one image. September 2018
SANDRA'S IMAGE IS FEATURED. Sandra's image was featured on the AMA (Alberta Motor Association) social media for Happy Campers Mission Dog Days of Fall.

SANDRA'S IMAGES ARE FEATURED. Two of Sandra's images are featured in the AMA - Alberta Motor Association Insider Magazine for the Winter 2018 edition.

SANDRA'S ARTICLE IS FEATURED. Sandra's article, "BALANCING ON A PIN" was feature in the December 2018/January 2019 edition of Our Canada Magazine - Reader's Digest. The article shares about the vast array of pins I have collected throughout the years dating back to 1974.